Saturday, August 25, 2007

First Blog

Earlier this morning I was looking at Dan Heller's website who is a photographer that writes a lot about the business end of photography - in his opinion the larger part of the "photography business". I connected to his blog website and was impressed with the look. In fact, so impressed, I used the same template for this blog. The template was designed by Todd Dominey, an author, programmer and designer whose work I also respect.

I always thought blogs were neat but too time consuming to maintain. I am a writer, web designer, and photographer and have a few websites that are for self promotion; but this blog is my first one. I'll try to keep it current and share a small part of my photography life with you.

Later this afternoon, I have a swimwear and glamour photo shoot in Patapsco river under a bridge in Patapsco State Park with the local Meetup group. Have to go now and start getting my equipment ready. Just for reference, the temperature is suppose to be 101 today with a heat index of 110. I'm sure we'll all be sweating. I'll have pictures up in a few days.

G e o r g e S k e p t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

"The Beauty and Excitement of People - Real People - Real Memories - Real Life"

H o m e F a s h i o n W e d d i n g s P o r t r a i t s E v e n t s C o n t a c t B l o g C l i e n t s