Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another Busy Week

This weekend, went to my son and daughter-in-laws baby shower - getting ready for number one. Had a great time and took a lot of pictures. That filled Sat and Sun.

Yesterday, prepared and sent a few older prints to a local Color Lab for evaluation for competition submittals. I also received an anticipated new Canon 40D camera . Have to take a lot of pictures to make sure it's as great as it's touted to be - better than a few high-end really expensive cameras. Shot with it last night at day 3 of The Baltimore Fashion Week - Screen Prints at the Metro Gallery. This is a series of fashion shows for local designers - slide show in the Events section of my site. This evening, I'll shoot day 4 at The Red Maple - Boutigue Fashion. More real time testing of the camera.

From Baltimore Fashion Week - Metro Gallery

G e o r g e S k e p t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

"The Beauty and Excitement of People - Real People - Real Memories - Real Life"

H o m e F a s h i o n W e d d i n g s P o r t r a i t s E v e n t s C o n t a c t B l o g C l i e n t s