Monday, April 13, 2009

Watchmen - Family Photos - Easter Weekend

Saw the movie "Watchmen" this weekend. Good movie, but rather long (2 hours 45 min). Good story - nice cinematography and lighting. Very violent - but stylized enough to take away the realness of the violence.

Worked on some family portraits for a friend who is leaving for Iraq in a few months.

Had a great Easter dinner with my family at my son's house and played with my grandaughter and took a vacation from photography.

Today, I worked with a photographer friend in the Caribbean to help her get her website to show up better in search engines. I gave her a few suggestions about adding links to her site, adding her site to social networks, registering with other photography related reciprocity linking sites, linking her other sites to her new site, and setting up a blog. I have to call her tomorrow about a few related issues. The weather here was chilly and grey - there it was warm and sunny as she looked out at the ocean. Nice for photography :)

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