Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm a Grandad

I have a grand daughter - Elspeth Ryan Skepton - 7 lbs, 6oz born Oct 09, 2007 at Greater Baltimore Center. She's beautiful.

Right now, I'm in a Photoshop class to pick up some additional techniques for photo enhancing. Last night I watched "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" a movie about Vermeer's famous picture. The movie was recommended by Bruce Dorn as a good example of great cinematographic and photographic lighting. The story was a bit slow, but the lighting was fantastic. A few days ago, I went to the Digital Photography Edge seminar in Washington DC with Bruce Dorn and Maura Dutra. Learned a little, but the seminar was mostly a marketing tool for Bruce & Maura's photography, art and their products.

G e o r g e S k e p t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

"The Beauty and Excitement of People - Real People - Real Memories - Real Life"

H o m e F a s h i o n W e d d i n g s P o r t r a i t s E v e n t s C o n t a c t B l o g C l i e n t s