Sunday, December 14, 2008

Canon 28mm f1.8 Lens

I just ordered a used Canon 28mm f1.8 lens from a photographer on eBay. Look forward to using this lens for interior available light photography. It was highly recommended by other members of the Maryland PPA. I have used the Canon 85mm 1.8 and I love it; but it's too long for normal interior shots. I'll post some shots after I receive and try out the lens - most likely after Christmas. Wow - I still have a lot of Christmas shopping to do.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fashion Images

I just added a new link for fashion portraits from different runway and other fashion shoots. Most of the images are portrait images from different events that can be seen in the event sections of the web site.

G e o r g e S k e p t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

"The Beauty and Excitement of People - Real People - Real Memories - Real Life"

H o m e F a s h i o n W e d d i n g s P o r t r a i t s E v e n t s C o n t a c t B l o g C l i e n t s