Saturday, August 30, 2008

City Docks, Annapolis

Joined up with a shutterbug group early this morning (6:00 AM) at the city docks in Annapolis, MD to capture some sunrise pictures. Even though it was a really overcast morning with no visible sun, I knew there was still a sun behind the clouds - we just couldn't see it. I had a feeling I could get the sun in my images using some forensic processing that really digs into images and pulls out unseen details and colors. 

To capture the most dynamic range for helping get more details across the exposure range, I took three exposure bracketed images using a tripod and combined them in Photoshop HDR. The resultant HDR images werent that impressive since the cloudy lighting was pretty flat. They needed further tonal and contrast processing with Photoshop and additional filters to capture the details. 

Here are two of the images. Even if they are not purist photography, they do truly represent what was photographed, just with a little more detail and colors that the human eye or camera could not normally see with the heavy overcast. There is no cloning, no special brushes, no manual  dodging or burning - just pure computer image analysis and processing.

Capturing the Sunrise - City Docks, Annapolis

Sunrise - City Docks, Annapolis

Friday, August 22, 2008

Time to update the blog

It's been a long time since the blog has been updated. Have some updating to do and will backdate them to get a true chronological order of things. My last blog was Jan 30, 2008 - so everything between then and today has been backdated.

Theres a new MySpace page for George Skepton Photography to share my photography and services with a larger market - If you're a Myspace person, please sign up as a friend - let me know you found it through the blog. Here's the Myspace slideshow - some of the models from Baltmore's Fashion Week.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

3D Journey

Went to see the 3D version of Journey to the center of the Earth with my niece, Julie. I promised to take her to the movies before school started. I thought the 3D effects were fantastic with great videography and CGI. The story line was just ok; but it was well worth seeing.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Rick & Deb Ferro Seminar

I attended a Rick & Deb Ferro Selling Portraits seminar at the BWI Shearaton. They are fantastic speakers and successful. I picked up some pointers on turning digital photographs into digital paintings, some new product ideas - I'll talk about these later when I start adding more product lines to my business. I picked up a few marketing affirmations too - keep my blog updated at least twice a week to ensure the search engines stay up to date (this was the incentive to update my blog) - join a formal business networking group - I have a few in mind - reformalize my goals and expand my product lines.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Baltimore's Fashion Week 2008 - Day 5

Baltimore's Fashion Week 2008 day 5 was fantastic. I photographed the models using off camera flash that gave me a bit more modeling of the models, better emphasizing details and allowing different lighting patterns, as opposed to shooting the models straight-on on the runway. You can see the pictures at

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baltimore's Fashion Week 2008 day 2 & Workshops

Baltimore's Fashion Week 2008 day 2 was fantastic. I want to thank Sharon Nixon the fashion show organizer who did a fantastic job of publizing, getting local support, and pulling the entire week together and Jeff Butler who did an excellant job of assisting and keeping the photographers on track.

I attended a short workshop on fashion photography by Roy Cox - one of the local hi-end fashion photographers and a short workshop on modeling hair and makeup by Tim Coburn - another hi-end fashion photographer.

Between workshops and the fashion show, I checked out some of the archiecture of the War Memorial building where the show was held. It's a fantastic older building with all marble interiors.

Heres a few runway images of the models during the show.

G e o r g e S k e p t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

"The Beauty and Excitement of People - Real People - Real Memories - Real Life"

H o m e F a s h i o n W e d d i n g s P o r t r a i t s E v e n t s C o n t a c t B l o g C l i e n t s