Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Eve Photo Session

I was lucky to get two beautiful young ladies to help me with some lighting tests in my new studio on New Years Eve afternoon. We had a ball doing photos and checking out some of the new furniture and equipment that Rob is bringing in. These 3  images were shot with the new Canon 7D and an external 580EXii speedlight (triggered from the 7D) using a silver white reflective Westcott collapsible umbrella - tried to keep it simple since we were running late for a party.  Here are some images of Julie and Stefanie.

G e o r g e S k e p t o n P h o t o g r a p h y

"The Beauty and Excitement of People - Real People - Real Memories - Real Life"

H o m e F a s h i o n W e d d i n g s P o r t r a i t s E v e n t s C o n t a c t B l o g C l i e n t s